





“及瓜而代”是一个古老的成语,源于古代中国的传说。相传,古代有一位名叫季子的君子,他为人正直,善良,深受百姓的爱戴。季子 once served as the governor of a state, and because of his excellent governance, the people lived in peace and prosperity. However, his term as governor was coming to an end, and it was time for him to step down and make way for a new governor.

As a gesture of gratitude, the people of the state decided to present Governor季 with a gift. They chose a beautiful and heavy gourd, which they believed symbolized abundance and prosperity. The people presented the gourd to Governor季 with great respect and appreciation.

Governor季, who was a wise and thoughtful man, understood the symbolism of the gourd. He realized that the people were indirectly asking him to step down and allow a new governor to take over. He agreed with their wish and decided to step down, saying, "The gourd is ripe, and it is time for me to leave." This act of selflessness and dedication to the greater good became known as "及瓜而代."

The phrase "及瓜而代" has since been used to describe a situation where someone steps down from a position of power or responsibility at the appropriate time, allowing others to take over and continue the good work. It emphasizes the importance of humility, selflessness, and the recognition that no one should hold onto power indefinitely.

In today's world, the concept of "及瓜而代" still holds relevance. Whether it is in politics, business, or any other field, there comes a time when leaders must step down and allow new blood to take over. This not only ensures fresh ideas and innovation but also prevents stagnation and misuse of power.

Moreover, "及瓜而代" is a reminder to us all that humility and selflessness are essential qualities for any leader. It teaches us that leadership is not about clinging to power but about serving the greater good and fostering the growth of others.

In conclusion, the phrase "及瓜而代" carries a profound message about the importance of humility, selflessness, and the timely transition of power. It serves as a reminder to us all that leadership is a temporary trust, and we should use our positions to serve the greater good rather than to satisfy our own desires.